Ours is a platform for aspiring artists, dancers and poets to be seen and heard worldwide!

    We hope that by leveraging the power of the performing arts we can promote inclusion and social acceptance for all

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About Us

Ours is a global community of dancers, singers & poets, and part of The Worldwide Network (TWN) Advertising. We create opportunities for aspiring artists, dancers, poets and singers to be heard and seen around the world!

Our story started in 2017 when we decided to create a platform for creatives around the world to interact, push the limits and achieve more. We have been investing in talent worldwide by creating opportunities for exposure, paid work, and support forums to drive interaction and peer to peer support.

With regular loyalty members and subscribers from over 20 countries, we are an inclusive Performing Arts channel leading the fight for inclusion. We work with other reputable networks and community forums worldwide to impact lives and create opportunities for growth and development.