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TWN Freestyles

Embracing Creative, Innovative Freestyles.

“TWN Freestyles” is an electrifying music production that sets the stage for freestyle singers, rappers, and aspiring artists to showcase their raw talent, creativity, and lyrical prowess. This groundbreaking series aims to inspire and empower artists on their journey to musical greatness, providing a platform for them to express their unique voices and captivate audiences with their freestyle performances.


In its debut season, “TWN Freestyles” puts the spotlight on the incredible talent of Chuka Royalty, a dynamic UK-based artist who has emerged as a rising star in the music industry. With high hopes and big dreams, Chuka Royalty takes center stage, sharing his personal experiences, struggles, and triumphs as he strives to make a name for himself in the fiercely competitive music world. Each episode of “TWN Freestyles” is filled with electrifying performances, where Chuka Royalty unleashes his creative genius through freestyle singing and rapping. The series provides viewers with an up-close and personal look at the artist’s journey, including exclusive footage from his newest album, ‘Face My Fears.’ Audiences are invited into the studio, the rehearsal space, and even behind the scenes of Chuka Royalty’s music video shoots, allowing them to witness the dedication, passion, and hard work that goes into creating powerful and memorable music.


In addition to the captivating performances, “TWN Freestyles” features engaging Q&A sessions with Chuka Royalty, where he shares insights into his artistic process, influences, and aspirations. Viewers get an intimate glimpse into the mind of a talented artist and learn about the inspirations behind his music and the stories he seeks to tell through his lyrics.

But “TWN Freestyles” is not just about Chuka Royalty; it serves as a platform for aspiring artists from all corners of the globe to participate and showcase their freestyle skills. The series invites talented individuals to join the freestyle community, encouraging them to unleash their creativity, embrace their authenticity, and push the boundaries of their artistry. “TWN Freestyles” celebrates diversity and invites artists from various backgrounds, genres, and styles to share their unique voices, fostering a vibrant and inclusive musical community.


Join us on this thrilling musical journey as “TWN Freestyles” empowers and inspires freestyle singers, rappers, and aspiring artists to break free from the constraints and express their true artistic selves. Witness the talent, passion, and determination of Chuka Royalty and discover the electrifying world of freestyle music. Studios in London and hopes he can inspire others to fight for more