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TWN Urban Poets

Celebrating Poetry And The Magic Of The Spoken Words.

Welcome to TWN Urban Poets, an annual online poetry contest dedicated to raising awareness on social tolerance, inclusion, and diversity. This vibrant series showcases urban poets from around the world who use their words to inspire change and challenge societal norms, promoting a more inclusive and compassionate society.


TWN Urban Poets merges poetry and social activism, with poets sharing heartfelt verses and thought-provoking spoken word performances. Each year, the contest invites aspiring poets to submit original compositions reflecting the diverse realities of urban life. It provides a platform for marginalised voices, empowering poets to ignite important conversations about social justice and equality.

The series transcends geographic boundaries, using poetry as a universal language to connect people from all walks of life. Through evocative verses, urban poets shed light on pressing social issues like racial discrimination, gender inequality, and economic disparity, encouraging empathy and understanding.

Join us on this poetic journey as TWN Urban Poets celebrates diversity and advocates for a more inclusive world.